This year, Finnish school photography turns a whopping 160 years old. Kuvaverkko is a member of the Finnish School Photography Association, which organizes the photo exhibition “Oh, those were the Days” in honor of the anniversary of school photography. The photo exhibition opens today, October 3rd at 5 p.m. in Finnfoto’s gallery in shopping center Redi, in Helsinki. The exhibition is open for visitors for two months in this location.

A school photo is more than just a photo – it is a mirror for decades that have passed. In the exhibition, you will find pictures of class photos from different eras, along with portrait and group photos. The exhibition will also be available later in Kauppakeskus Kaari in Helsinki, Ideapark Lempäälä and Kauppakeskus Goodman in Hämeenlinna.
Read more about the exhibition by following this link: